Santa Fe New Mexico Family and Children Photographer – David Moore » Prices


grace_drumSession Fee: $200

This covers my time and talent and includes a pre-shoot consultation (by phone or in person), 1-2 hours of photography time at your house or other nearby location, digital processing of 20-30 images (which normally takes another 2 hours at least) and an online image gallery for review.

The session fee does not include prints or files (see below).

Custom Album and Digital Files combination

A custom designed album of images from the shoot is the best way to tell the story of a child or family at the time of the session. It’s a lovely object that people will have for decades and look at much more often than they browse through a set of digital files.

But I know the files are also useful, so I offer a combination price for the album and CD of images that a lot of my clients choose (in addition to any individual prints, framed prints or gallery wraps they order):

CD of all edited images from shoot (with license for personal printing and use only), together with a 20 page 10 x 10 custom-designed book bound album: $550

A La Carte Pricing

Custom Album:

20 page 10 x 10 custom-designed book-bound album: $350

Digital Files:

CD of all edited full-size images from session: $300

Individual prints on archival paper:

up to 8 x 12: $35
up to 16 x 24: $75

Archival framed prints and gallery wraps also available from $150