Wedding Photography up a Santa Fe Mountain

Johnny and Sarah were very happy with the engagement session photos I’d made, and soon enough the bright autumn day rolled around for their wedding.
The ceremony was held up in the mountains above Santa Fe, with rich blue skies and strong sun for the middle of the day. For a photographer, it was a great venue, but one that also posed some problems. The clearing where the ceremony was to be held was partly in shade and partly in bright sun – a tricky combination – and the area behind where the bride and groom were to stand was brighter than the clearing.
Oh, and did I tell you I’d never shot a wedding before? The bride and groom were comfortable with that, and they liked my work, but it was still a little nerve-wracking.
I shot with my Canon 5D Mark II and my Canon EF 85mm f/1.8
on one hip, and a rented Canon 5D Mark III
and my Sigma 35mm f/1.4
(what a brilliant lens) on the other.
Once things began, I forgot about the nerves and really enjoyed the privilege of being present on such a great occasion, and one that presented so many opportunities for photography (including the bride and groom mountain-biking down the mountain to the reception).

August 25th, 2014 at 5:35 am
Awesome photos, thanks for sharing. What I really liked about them was that expressions on people’s faces were so candidly captured. The focus on the subject matter was really well done.